Сообщество пользователей OS/2

Сообщество пользователей OS/2

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Blonde Guy

Reformat Утилита для форматирования USB флешек, USB винчестеров (для совместимости с OS/2)




Homepage: warpstock.eu

DATE: May 18 - 19, 2019

PLACE: Stay Okay Youth Hostel in Soest, the The Netherlands

Program of WSE2019

(Not available)

Annoucement for Warpstock Europe 2019

Well, even before the presentations and videos of Warpstock Europe 2018 have been published, the event team has searched for and found a location already for Warpstock Europe 2019!

WSE 2019 will be held at the Stay Okay Youth Hostel in Soest, the The Netherlands, on Saturday the 18th and Sunday the 19th of May. Plans for a social event on Friday are in the making as well; considering this is an event in the Netherlands, water is most likely involved.

The date has been picked since it should not coincide with any spring holidays in the Netherlands and Germany.

We also wanted to announce WSE 2019 as early as possible since it will be the 20th anniversary of Warpstock Europe! For this reason we have reached out to other user groups of the Dutch HCC (Hobby Computer Club) that focus on legacy hard- and software to join us for that weekend. Getting this sorted out with the HCC and different user groups takes time.

Also the conference rooms at the Stay Okay Soest are extremely populair. I need to know very early how many people are coming. Since this will have an effect on how many rooms I need to book at the youth hostel.

Although Soest is a small town, it is still easy to reach by car and public transport; the hostel itself is only a few minutes away from a train station which has a good connections to Utrecht Central station, one of the main train hubs in the Netherlands.

We would like to point out that the hostel has a limited number of 2-person bedrooms so if you prefer such a room, book early. Other hotel options in the vicinity will be published later.

The admittance free is $65 (US) for Saturday and $55 for Sunday; on both days lunch is included. The fee for the social event is not yet known.

Tickets can be bought via the Arca Noae website. Note: if you book for both days before July 31, 2018 you get a $15 discount!




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