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GNU Ghostscript v8.64 for OS/2 & eComStation with support of Samsung Printer Language (SPL, ex-SmartGDI)
These binaries are compiled from original GS 8.64 sources
([url]) with addition of Paul Smedley's patches
([url]) and fixed Samsung's sources ([url]).
1. Requires a copy of libc063.dll which is available from
2. For output to SPL-based printers use "-sDEVICE=gdi" parameter.
3. In GSView use settings (Options -> Advanced Configure): "GhostScript DLL" - "C:\GS\gs8.64\bin\gsdll2.dll"
"GhostScript Include Path" - "C:\GS\gs8.64\resource\init;C:\GS\gs8.64\lib;".
If additional GhostScript fonts package is installed then add "C:\GS\fonts;" to the GhostScript include path. If you want to use system PostScript fonts then add "С:\PSFONTS;" to the GhostScript include path. (Naturally, in all cases above the actual base Ghostscript directory must be used instead of "C:\GS\gs8.64\".)
4. For printing from GSView to SPL-based printer: manually type in "gdi" to the "Device:" field of printer setup dialog (as GSView does not offer this choice in it's device list).