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IBM Lotus SmartSuite for OS/2 Warp 4 Release 1.7 Fixpack 3 Patch Release #3
- July, 2007
This file contains information about installing the fixes in the OS/2
SmartSuite Patch Release
#3 (OS207IN3.EXE). Prior to installing these files, you should verify that
you have already
installed SmartSuite for OS/2 Warp 4 Release 1.7 Fixpack 3.
Extract OS207IN3.EXE to a temp directory on your hard disk.
The following files are extracted from the OS207IN3.EXE file:
* approach.exe
* readme.txt (this readme file)
* There is no install program for patches.
* Patches can be applied to all the language releases.
Fix List
The following Software Problem Report (SPR) has been fixed:
Crash in Approach 9.8 when using import/export.
Fixed file: approach.exe
Instructions for SPR ADEE6WGF5D (approach.exe)
To fix this SPR, follow these steps:
1. Verify that you have installed SmartSuite for OS/2 Warp 4 Release 1.7
Fixpack 3.
2. Exit all SmartSuite applications.
3. Navigate to c:\Lotusw4\approach directory and make a backup copy of
4. Copy the fixed file (approach.exe) to the same directory.
5. Reboot and re-launch SmartSuite applications.